Acacia- Pangea Minerals in Buzwagi has supported Farm Concern International (FCI) to create vibrant and resilient agricultural systems with sustainable livelihoods, inclusive income distribution among smallholder farmers in Mondo and Mwendakulima wards in Kahama district. The Commercial Villages for Sustainable Communities Programme in Kahama district is working towards social empowerment of smallholder farmers to generate better access to social and human capital through scale up of proven agricultural models.


The intervention has been designed to improve decision making in the agricultural investment through provision of reliable data on markets and climate variability for the farmers as well as other investors to make viable choices of enterprises. The programme also focuses on innovations that leapfrog development of youth employment opportunities in agricultural value chains through Agripitch sessions as well as intentional models to integrate youth into agricultural production.

Additionally, this programme has a great focus on skill and competence development through establishment of Agri-Resource Centres, which are essentially sequenced and layered as one stop shops for agri-service support for smallholder farmers within the target households and neighborhood. The objective of the intervention is to create sustainable livelihoods and increase resilience of the smallholder farmers to deal with shocks that come with loss of livelihoods, climate change and youth employment.



Programme Highlights

Kahama Kijiji Biashara Trade Fair renews hope for increased productivity and profitability for farmers in Mondo and Mwendakulima wards

The trade fair under the auspices of Commercial Villages for Sustainable Communities Programme in Kahama district was conducted on 27th and 28th September 2018 at the Agri-Resource Center grounds in Mondo Village. Kahama District Commissioner (DC), Hon. Anamringi Macha, graced the event and also officially launched the project. Speaking during the event, the DC urged all members of the community to embrace the project and give necessary support to ensure objectives are achieved. The DC in particular encourgaged the youth who form the majority of the population to commit fully in the capacity building process under the pillar of Youth Agri-entrepreneurship to create jobs and wealth through agriculture.... Read More

Category: Interventions
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FCI Programmes

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.