Africa School of Agribusiness & markets is an approach by Farm Concern International for industry wide-practical training & skills development on commercialization, market access and value addition to address the huge capacity gap in the agricultural sector actor in Africa. Africa hosts over 600 Million hectares that has been classified as one of the least productive land resource in the world. The continent annual import food bill of USD 35 Billion and post-harvest losses of over 210 Million Metric tons of food (this can feed 300 million people) makes a case that requires innovative solutions for agribusiness technologies, skills transfer as well as dissemination of practical capacity building solutions. These unending challenges to the sector led to the establishment of the Africa School of Agribusiness & Markets so as to improve the knowledge and experience of agricultural sector value chain actors in Africa through provision of cost effective, affordable and accessible experiential capacity development solutions. This approach targets smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists, micro enterprises, SMEs and other development organizations thus enhancing the competitiveness of the agri-enterprise in Africa.

Africa School of Agribusiness & Markets curriculum includes mobile solutions and network platforms to enhance access to market and information. This approach integrates promotion of value addition technologies to best meet market demand and identify opportunities for business growth and investment. This approach aims at increasing household incomes, create rural employment for women & youth, increase yield & productivity of livestock and crops, reduce post-harvest losses as well as increase adoption of market oriented technologies and practices. FCI has built capacity and partnered with 132 development organization, 515 companies and 15 local international universities to provide smallholder commercialization, agronomy, market access& trade skills, value addition and post-harvest management.



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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.