Who says that small holder farmers cannot adopt innovations and technologies? The story of Mary Reuben and her family from Manyire Commercial Village located South East of Arusha in Tanzania proves the deference. This was made possible after capacity building by Farm Concern International under the Domestic Markets Regional Programme funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Anyone visiting her premises will agree that she has done her best in making her environment green with various plants.  Mary has strategically planted her farm with 70 avocado trees, a few mandarin and orange trees, and 200 timber trees. She insists that this is a strategic decision which will not only generate income for her family but also become a source of fruit for family health.

Mary developed interest on tree planting from her family who had a history of planting trees. She further attributed this success to the cooperation she receives from her husband and the entire family. Moreover, the policy of the Government of Tanzania on tree planting with the slogan “cut a tree, plant a tree” is partly a contribution to her current status. 

In doing basic arithmetic, Mary shows that one tree of avocado is currently generating TZS 50,000 (USD 29.40) per season. She further shows that in about three years to come, she will earn an average of TZS 3.5 Million (USD 2,057.65) in one season from avocado fruit sales from all 70 trees. In addition to the above, she is expecting that in the coming five years, she will harvest her timber trees whereby she expects each tree to generate between TZS 100,000-150,000 (USD 58.79-88.19) this will therefore result into an income of TZS 20 to 30 Million (USD 11,758.00-17,637.00). She strongly narrated that the benefits go beyond cash income because she has a constant supply of fruits to feed her family.

Mary developed interest on tree planting from her family who had a history of planting trees. She further attributed this success to the cooperation she receives from her husband and the entire family. Moreover, the policy of the Government of Tanzania on tree planting with the slogan “cut a tree, plant a tree” is partly a contribution to her current status.

Mary cannot forget the contribution of Farm Concern International (FCI) in this journey; she explained that through FCI’s intervention, she was able to adopt new ways of planting trees, such as selection of right varieties and healthy seedlings, right mixing of soil with manure and preparation and management of tree farming. FCI also provided exposure visits through the Nane Nane agricultural show, a one-week agricultural fair that takes place every year in August in varying locations of Tanzania. The visits opened her eyes on what is taking place outside her world. She has also learned best post-harvest practice for cereals such that her family never suffers shortage of food.  

Apart from tree planting, Mary boastfully shows that her healthy family resulting from consumption of balanced diet including Traditional African Vegetables. She has taken her children to good schools for better education. She keeps cattle, chicken,   and grows vegetables for better nutrition of her family. Mary is a wife and mother of five children.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.