Smallholder farmers in Tanzania have been transformed from subsistence to commercial farming through the Rice Market Development Programme funded by the World Vision Australia and implemented by Farm Concern International, FCI. The programme linked 45,320 smallholder farmers to buyers.

One such farmer is Makame Mchahaji from Juhudi Commercial Producer Group who is a witness of transformation from the traditional subsistence farming to Commercial farming.  Mr. Makame witnessed the importance of CVs and decided to shift from subsistence farming to commercial farming. Before the project’s intervention he used to cultivate 25 acres, however, with minimal yields. 

With support and guidance from EMLAP, he now cultivates 7 acres. The yield from the seven acres is far much more than what he used to get from the twenty five acres. As a result, his income has increased following market linkages facilitation done by FCI. Another farmer, Elifrida from Makame CPG is also a beneficiary of the project. She attended several trainings on good agronomic practices and use of certified seeds conducted by FCI. She bought 24 kgs of hybrid maize seeds and 2 liters of foliar fertilizer for her use on the farm.  As a result, her yields increased and now she is a lead promoter in the utilization of hybrid seeds.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.