The introduction of Domestic Markets Regional Programme implemented by Farm Concern International and funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Tanzania marked a life time transformation to Vincent and his family.

Since 2011, Vincent has been regularly attending FCI trainings on good agronomic practices such as spacing, use of quality improved seed, fertilizer and early planting. Unfortunately, due to lack of enough capital, he could not afford to buy quality and improved agro inputs for all those years but in 2014, he decided to take a loan worth TZS 1,000,000 (USD 587.90)  from their group ''UFUGAJI'' which has a saving and credit  scheme and invested the money as follows;

In the current season, Vincent Benedict and his family are expecting to harvest 80 bags of maize from their 5-acre piece of land where he used to harvest 40 bags (average of 8 bags per acre). This was made possible after taking into practice good agronomic and proper use of inputs.

The anticipated harvest will be used as follows; 20 bags of maize will be stored for food security and the remaining 60 bags will be used to repay the loans since he doesn’t plan to take another loan. It will also be used to pay school fees, medical covers, finishing the house and installation of electricity. Mr. Vincent Benedict is a married to Egina and blessed with six children. Two are in secondary school, two in primary school and two are yet to start schooling.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.