Smallholder farmers under the Semi- Arid Region Commercialization Programme implemented by World Vision Kenya and Farm Concern International with support from World Vision Australia have realized sales worth Ksh 11, 326, 337 (USDs 133,251.0) from April 2013 to July 2014 with 1,199 farmers benefiting. Savings worth Ksh 2,439,680 (USDs 28,702.1) have also been realized by 62 savings schemes established and linked to financial institutions such as Vision Fund, Wamunyu Financial Services and Equity Bank Foundation.     

In Kalawa, cumulative sales worth Ksh 767, 696 (USD 9,031.70) were realized in July 2014 while in Mwala,

farmers made sales worth Ksh 445,447 (USDs 5,240.5). Farmers have been making sales from green grams, tomatoes and cowpeas in Kalawa and tomatoes, watermelons and onions in Mwala as a result of village buyer forums held and business partnerships.

One of the factors necessary for sustaining the economic impact of smallholder farmers and enhancing their livelihood resilience is savings. Smallholder farmers have saved Ksh 2,439,680 (USD 28,702.1) as a result of trainings on savings, financial literacy and record keeping.  A total of 602 farmers in Kalawa comprising of 106 men and 496 women have saved Ksh 1,273,300 (USD 14,980). The village savings and loan schemes are on-going and a total of 239 loans worth Ksh 601,300 (USD 7,074) were carried by farmers at an interest of 10%. Ksh 177,030 (USD 2,082) interest has accrued from the borrowed loans.  

In Mwala IPA, a total of Kshs 1,166,380 (USD 13,722) has been saved through 35 savings schemes with 355 loans worth Kshs 616,897 (USD 7,258) borrowed. This was as a result of capacity building on village savings and loans. In addition, Vision Fund and Equity Foundation were linked to three CVs and training done for loan management. As a result, Umatui CPG has acquired a business loan worthy   Ksh 220, 000 (USDs 2588.20) which will facilitate the smallholder farmers




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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.