Commercial Villages (CVs) formed by Farm Concern International (FCI) in Mwala and Kalawa under the Semi- Arid Region Commercialization Programme implemented by World Vision Kenya and Farm Concern International with support from World Vision Australia have positively impacted stakeholders in the agri-business sector. The CVs have brought on board government institutions, research institutitions, development partners, input dealers, formal and informal markets, private sector, district assembly and local leaders. 

This has enabled the small holder farmers increase production, access markets, sell the products at reasonable price and make savings for investments. The partnerships have brought about the expansion of the Programme through viable domestic market opportunities for smallholders within regional and domestic marketing systems. These have also enabled mobilization of farming households within villages, facilitate establishment of Commercial Villages, and facilitate village leadership set up and selection of CV Assistants

Smallholder farmers at the end of year three have realized a market value of assorted cassava products worth USD 41,641,960.25 through the Cassava Village Processing Initiative [Kenya & Tanzania] implemented by Farm Concern International (FCI) with support from Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. These included fresh market for roots worth USD 33,500,581, industrial buyers for cassava chips worth USD 8,086,427, cassava cuttings worth USD 45,866 and value added products at USD 9,086.25. 

Village Knowledge Workers (VKWs) played a critical role in developing the capacity of smallholder farmers to commercialize grains in the project area. In order to ensure VKWs are effective in the delivery of the extension services to the commercial villages and neighboring villages, FCI staff offered one-on-one onsite technology support to the VKWs.  A total of 84 field visits to VKWs were conducted. 

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.